With all the crazy events taking place in the world, sports have come to an unfortunate stop for the time being. However, that isn’t stopping the NFL. The Free Agency period is beginning this week. Today is when players will be hit with the franchise tag or they can verbally agree to new deals. The pen won’t be able to hit the paper until Wednesday at 4 PM when the new league year begins. DeAndre Hopkins has been traded to the Arizona Cardinals.

DeAndre has become one of the two best wide receivers in the league today. His ability to take a game over is what makes him stand out. He’s lined up with the best corners on him and he’s won those battles nine times out of ten. He has a very wide catch radius meaning he can extend himself to make a play on the football to come down with the catch. You could throw the ball up to him and trust he’d catch it. One thing he hasn’t received credit for is his toughness. DeAndre has no problem going over the middle in traffic to make a catch. He will also take a hit from a safety that comes with running over the middle. He also does damage after the catch. This isn’t a receiver that you just lob it up too. ]

I’m in shock with this move. I didn’t see the Houston Texans trading away their best offensive player. This was Deshaun Watson’s top target. Now, DeAndre goes to Arizona to play with Kyler Murray and he’ll learn a bit more from a legend in Larry Fitzgerald. This move that Arizona made gives me an idea that Fitz could be retiring soon. The NFC West became more interesting today with this move.

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