2017 NFL Draft- Free Safeties

The free safety position is much different than the strong safety position. With strong safety, you really need a particular style of player who is rugged and rough. Free safety the player normally needs to be great at coverage and understanding the angles to get to the ball. It helps if he’s taller and leaner and is a great jumper as well. He can’t be afraid to make a big hit, but also must time his hit the right way to jar the ball loose and not get a penalty. He is the guy that makes the wide receivers scared to go over the middle. Here are my five best FS prospects.

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2017 NFL Draft- Strong Safeties

The strong safety lines up on the strong side – whichever side of the center has the most lineman on it (typically the tight end is the extra guy). If both sides have an equal amount of lineman (maybe a tight end on both sides of the line) the strong safety will typically line up across from whichever tight end they want to shut down in the passing game or whichever side they believe the run is going to go to. Here are my best strong safety prospects.

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