Commissioner For A Season

1. Thursday Night Football– Since 2013, we’ve been lucky to have Thursday night games on throughout the season. At one time, I was a fan of it, but now, not necessarily. I love the opening Thursday night game when we are all “Back To Football” and it’s a regular season game where we see the defending Super Bowl champions take the field and put their title to defense. I’d eliminate the Thursday nighters throughout the season and take it back to having those Thursday games take place after Thanksgiving and my reason for that is because with the playoff picture forming itself together, seedings switching and divisional races heating up, I feel that would have more people’s attention especially at the end of November and all of December.

2. Hit Committee?– This has been a very big topic in the game as of late and it has definitely created some controversy. What’s really a clean hit on the quarterback? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some guys absolutely pummel the quarterback and the flag was thrown along with that player being fined. Then, I’ve seen some that made me question a referee as to why that was called. I have two perfect examples: This was from a game in 2009. The Baltimore Ravens were playing the New England Patriots and Terrell Suggs came in the direction of Tom Brady. Terrell did a lunge, yes, but he barely touched Brady and Tom motioned to the ref to throw the flag and he did it. It was a roughing the passer call. I could understand if he was actually hit, but he wasn’t and that just makes me say, these guys wear pads too. They can be hit as well. I also remember a game from 2013 between the San Francisco 49ers and the New Orleans Saints. It was the fourth quarter and Drew Brees was driving the Saints down the field. The Saints got to midfield and Ahmad sacked Drew and forced a fumble. The play would end up being erased because roughing the passer was called. By far, the worst call I’ve ever seen. It was a clean hit. He hit him in the chest, and with the forward progress the arm slid up towards the neck. If he picked him up and body slammed him, yeah, that’s one thing but this? Awful call. I’d put together a committee of guys who were known to rush the passer such as Michael Strahan, John Randle, Warren Sapp, Charles Haley, Jason Taylor and let them determine what’s a clean hit on the quarterback and what’s not.

3. Preseason Games– I’ve never had an issue with the NFL preseason. It’s a teaser for the regular season approaching and fans get the chance to see their teams play and make their assessments on how they think they will do for the upcoming year. The preseason is also a good thing for the players because, in camp, it can get testy with your own teammates. There are scuffles and fights and that first preseason game, you get to hit someone not wearing the same colors and helmet as you. However, I think four preseason games is a little too much and let’s also remember that some teams play five preseason games (the Hall Of Fame game). I’d put together a plan that would have two to three preseason games on the schedules. Four games is a lot and injuries could occur in a meaningless game. I feel this would help the players out a great deal as well as it would give them the chance to preserve their bodies for the regular season.